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About Us

Remu is a lifestyle driven by the love of nature, travel and helping others. It is a sustainable fashion brand for men that creates and curates handcrafted products that have been ethically-made in Ecuador. The team is constantly conceptualizing and looking for products with a story behind, those that are able to engrain environmental and/or social impact, with impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail.

We work with seamstresses from rural communities in Ecuador to handcraft each of our pieces. Our goal is to help them to become independent through their skills and provide for their families. We live in a time ruled by consumerism, where cheaper products are valued over the wellbeing of the people who manufacture them. At Remu, we challenge this idea by creating a safe and enjoyable working environment where the artisans that work with us have the commodities they need to work comfortably from home. We ensure above-average wages in order to provide them the tools to break the poverty cycle for their families and communities.

Remu Origins

Remu was created in 2017 by three Ecuadorian friends: Jose Chiriboga, Juan Xavier Teran & Felipe Gabela; who share a love for their country’s outdoors.
Originally the company started as a travel hammock company, set to plant a tree for every hammock it sold. The mission at that time was to reforest The Amazon Rainforest! (That’s where the name Remu comes from - it means tree in indigenous language Shuar, which is commonly spoken in the Ecuadorian Amazon).
One night in the early days of the company, the 3 co-founders were ambitiously talking about the project over beers (as they usually do), as one of them posed a simple question: “do you guys know where, how or who is making our hammocks?”
Even though the question seemed primal and easy-to-answer, it made the 3 friends question their whole business. As they dove deeper into finding answers to these questions, they found out that behind their products, there was a dark truth: The hammocks were being produced in China, in near-slavery-like working conditions and the fabrics, being used in the hammocks, themselves were creating a devastating environmental impact.
For the first time the co-founders’ eyes were opened to the horrendous reality surrounding the textile & fashion industry.
Remu’s mission changed forever after that day…
Our Products
We design our products with a simple goal in mind: give men the opportunity to dress sustainably.
All of our products are handcrafted by a community of women from Miranda, Ecuador in the outskirts of Quito. Where we are able to co-create with these amazing artisans and by doing so we create a positive impact in their families & community. As women in Ecuador, and many other countries in the developing world are phased with a tough decision of either becoming mothers or providers for their families, we’ve made sure to bring our workshops into these women’s homes. As many of the members of the community didn’t get a formal education, the access to opportunities and jobs is limited. That is why Remu has pledged to compensate at least with fair wages to the people that join the team. These two factors allow the artisans to continue being the amazing mothers they are, and simultaneously providing for their families.
We aim to only source upcycled or organic materials whenever possible in order to upset the production of new & polluting materials thus reducing our impact & the amount of waste along our supply chain. We always try to source locally to promote the local economy and minimize our carbon footprint by facilitating transportation. Our fiber and material partners are the best in the business and all of them operate locally and share our same values and principles.
Our obsessions for products that are able to engrain environmental and/or social impact, with impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail, has led us to grow the Remu family with amazing brands. These brands have been meticulously curated by the quality of their products and the depth of their mission. We know that together with these, truly inspiring, brands we can impact even more artisans in Ecuador and soon in the rest of the r egion.