The Story Behind Our New Image
Two years ago, we came up with the idea to make travel hammocks and plant a tree in the Amazon for each one we sold. Our initial business model gave way to our name and our original logo. Remu, which means tree in Shuar, a language spoken by an indigenous Ecuadorian community in the Amazon, and our logo, a representation of the Amazon river, perfectly embodied the essence of our original business model.
Nonetheless, we were never a hammock company. A month into the project, we began to question where our products were being produced, who was producing them, under what conditions and with what kind of materials. We wanted to be a transparent company through which we would be accountable for the quality of our products and the working conditions of the people that made them. We decided to maintain the logo and the name as we felt they were now a part of our identity. However, in the summer of 2019 everything changed for us. We realized our products were not living up to our sustainability goals, so we pushed the pause button and went back to the drawing board. This change was triggered when we found out that our old suppliers from the local artisanal market sold the fibers as if they were alpaca or wool but in reality, it was made out of acrylic fibers.
We knew we needed to take responsibility and stand behind our purpose and the products we make. After searching for months, we found new, local suppliers aligned with our vision of social and environmental sustainability. Since then, we have been developing our latest collection of products, as well as improving upon other aspects of Remu. For example, we felt as if our logo was no longer representative of our company, and thus we opted for a total restructuring process.
We have been working nonstop for the past five months with Ecuadorian independent design studio, Luna Lunares, to refresh our brand and give it a new visual identity that aligned with all the changes we have implemented. Today, we are proud to present our new image. We invite you to join us on this journey to boldly go where no one has gone before.
Remu Apparel: For the bold and adventurous.